After running amp config and amp test, I successfully created a drupal-clean build using buildkit and civibuild on localhost:7979, and added a bunch of extensions, etc.

I turned off my Ubuntu 19.04 laptop, and booted up the next day. However, at localhost:7979 I received a lock error message. So I reran amp test to check everything, and the test passed. amp test also uses localhost:7979.

Now, at localhost:7979 I see

Error: Expected GET or POST value 'exampleData=foozball' Error: Failed to write /home/joe/.amp/canary/data/DSEGrMDEi4ocNQRuBOo4IbE2e73MaT8M/example.txt Error: Failed to remove /home/joe/.amp/canary/data/DSEGrMDEi4ocNQRuBOo4IbE2e73MaT8M/example.txt

I ran curl http://localhost:7979/index.php and get the same result as immediately above.

I ran sudo lsof -i :7979 and get this result:

apache2 16634     root    7u  IPv4 507012      0t0  TCP localhost:7979 (LISTEN)
apache2 16635 www-data    7u  IPv4 507012      0t0  TCP localhost:7979 (LISTEN)
apache2 16636 www-data    7u  IPv4 507012      0t0  TCP localhost:7979 (LISTEN)
apache2 16637 www-data    7u  IPv4 507012      0t0  TCP localhost:7979 (LISTEN)
apache2 16638 www-data    7u  IPv4 507012      0t0  TCP localhost:7979 (LISTEN)
apache2 16639 www-data    7u  IPv4 507012      0t0  TCP localhost:7979 (LISTEN)
apache2 16716 www-data    7u  IPv4 507012      0t0  TCP localhost:7979 (LISTEN)

In the results above, the first process is running as root, not www-data. Do I just need to kill that process? Something else?

Thanks for any guidance!

1 Answer 1


So I figured out the real problem is that I created a build using mysql_ram_disk instead of mysql_dsn in amp config- meaning the mysql database is in RAM, and of course disappears when I turn off my laptop :) .

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