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How to actually open a civibuild demo site in MAMP Pro?

Okay, I feel like a real dummy, but I cannot for the life of me figure this out. I'm on MacOS Monterey, MAMP PRO 6.6.2. I finally got BuildKit fully installed and functioning following these ...
Austin Zumbro's user avatar
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Does civibuild work?

Brand new Ubuntu 20.04 VM. A --full install of the latest and greatest buildkit, configured per the developer guide. civibuild create dmaster is the only build that's successfully executed so far. It ...
konadave's user avatar
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Can I use localhost:7979 for amp test and one or more different builds created with buildkit?

After running amp config and amp test, I successfully created a drupal-clean build using buildkit and civibuild on localhost:7979, and added a bunch of extensions, etc. I turned off my Ubuntu 19.04 ...
Joe McLaughlin's user avatar
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Civibuild Vagrant - drupal-case build?

Hey all Just found the Civibuildkit using Vagrant - made my day as they have a build that was useful for me to test and work on for my site. My question is: Is there some one out there that can help ...
Br. Mark Waldmann's user avatar
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Add language files in civibuild

Checking the civibuild create parameters I do not see an option to include the translation/language files? That would be really helpfull, I now add them manually after a civibuild.
ErikH - CiviCooP's user avatar
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civibuild create is not working/frozen

is there any alternative? that I can use to install Drupal+CiviCRM development environment. taking too long it(in screenshot) took 2 hours.
Riajul's user avatar
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civibuild create permission error

Running this: civibuild create marc --type drupal-demo --url http://marc.localhost Gives me this: ... #33 /home/civicrm/buildkit/vendor/drush/drush/drush.php(16): drush_main() #34 {main} [...
Marc Brazeau's user avatar
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How can I make civibuild use "Seven" as the default Drupal theme instead of "Bartik"?

Every time I run civibuild create or civibuild reinstall to create a local Drupal/CiviCRM development site, I find myself running drush vset theme_default seven afterwards so that I get the "Seven" ...
Sean's user avatar
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CiviBuild - wp-demo install error with postdrop

I am trying to use civibuild for installing a wp-demo instance on my local machine. I am using XAMPP on macOS Sierra. The download successfully completed: civibuild download "civiwpbuild" --civi-ver ...
Arun Singh's user avatar
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How to create entity in CiviCRM

I am trying to create the Entity in CiviCRM with my extension. But I am struck here. Unable to find the XML folder in my CiviCRM installation. After running the below command civix generate:entity ...
ManiMuthuPandi's user avatar
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Why do I have GenCodeChecksum uncommitted changes after a fresh civibuild create?

I just created a new site with buildkit: $ civibuild create foo --url http://foo --type drupal-demo Then I went into CiviCRM and looked at the git repo $ cd ~/buildkit/build/foo/sites/all/modules/...
Sean's user avatar
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How do I upgrade CiviCRM on a local site that I installed with buildkit civibuild?

A while back I did $ civibuild create demo.local --type drupal-demo --url http://demo.local and got a working local site running CiviCRM 4.7.9. Great. Now I'd like to upgrade this site to 4.7.17. ...
Sean's user avatar
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