I find that I am often asked to 'check Drupal permissions' or 'set Drupal permissions' when, for example, I have added a new Component, like Civi Campaigns, Civi Cases, Civi Grants, or, have installed and enabled a new Extension.

But, if I am just getting started with Civi and Drupal, or have not changed my settings in awhile, I may not be sure what that means.

So, where and how do I check Drupal permissions or set Drupal permissions?

1 Answer 1


In CiviCRM , go to Administer -> Users and Permissions -> Permissions (Access Control) . Then , select Drupal Access Control .


You will see a long list of various options, and check boxes to enable permissions for Components, Extensions, etc for various Roles.


Scroll down the list until you see the Component, Extension etc that you have installed and enabled in the list. Then, select the checkbox to add a permission to a Role.

In the screenshot below, I've added permissions for the Administrator role for the ReportPlus extension I just added.


Save your changes, et voila! You should now see the new permissions for the Administrator role or for whichever role to which you have added new permissions.

  • Noting that this isn't actually drupal-specific. That same spot on the same screen will also give links to wordpress permissions and joomla permissions if using those CMS's.
    – Demerit
    Commented Oct 17, 2019 at 13:53
  • @Demerit yes, and thanks for noting that. Commented Oct 17, 2019 at 15:40

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