I am using WP 5.4.2 - PHP 7.2 - CiviCRM 5.27.3 - the Plugin lite-speed 3.2.4 is activated. UAT has raised this issue : "the browser session has expired you are unable to complete the event form subscription"
I see those post : All Contribution pages result in "Your browser session has expired" "Could not find a valid session key" Intermittent "Your browser session has expired and we are unable to complete your form submission" errors
And I understand the root cause is "cache management". Yes: if I delete cache on the host-admin the form is now available to the end.
Someone said the solution is :
Based on further investigation and discussion this seems to have been related to the WP Super Cache "Don’t cache pages with GET parameters. (?x=y at the end of a url)" setting being disabled.
But I don't understand if the fix is to be done :
- on WordPress = modify WP Super Cache
- on Lite-speed plugin = desactivate it
- on the Host = ?
BR Hervé
The Starting page for the event signup is it a WP page using a shortcode? Lastly, what is the URL it attempts to get to on the second page? I agree caching is the issue and the above will help in suggestions on how to cause the pages not to be cached.