As a donor, I go to uwoec.org and hit the donate button. I fill out all information and I click for a recurring payment and put in my credit card information and hit submit. I get a message saying I will get a receipt in my email once the transaction has been processed.
As an admin for United way of Etowah County, I login to look at my donation information and it shows my name, amount that will recur monthly and the status says Pending (incomplete transaction) with no additional information.

Please help.

  • Which payment processor are you using? Are regular non-recurring transaction being processed?
    – Lars SG
    Commented Jan 4, 2023 at 23:26
  • did a payment get set up in the payment processor? if so then often a payment processor needs to be told the return point so it knows how to send back the correct info - otherwise civi never gets told if it succeeded or not
    – petednz - fuzion
    Commented Jan 6, 2023 at 3:09

1 Answer 1


Every processor is different but all must have a process that 'talks back' to CiviCRM with status update. Otherwise CiviCRM doesn't know if the payment succeeded.

The URL that you must put inside your processor normally looks like this:


Please check the configuration and instructions for your processor

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