After the most recent CiviCRM security update to 5.56.2, a lot of my D7 sites (maybe all my multilingual ones?) are showing the old MyISAM Database Engine warning.
I took one example and discovered that it was all the civicrm db 'views' (not the drupal views) that were (now?) MyISAM. I'm using MariaDB 10.3
I did confirm that the default storage engine is InnoDB.
I presume it happened as part of the db upgrade part of the civi version upgrade, which was done via the command line using cv, i.e. cv upgrade:db
I believe the db upgrade will rebuild the views.
Anyone else have a similar experience and/or solution? Or is this not an issue and it's just a false reporting problem?
SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE ENGINE = 'MyISAM' AND TABLE_SCHEMA = '<your db name>' AND TABLE_NAME LIKE 'civicrm_%' AND TABLE_NAME NOT LIKE 'civicrm_tmp_%'
- replace "your db name"