I like the numeric naming conventions for Drupal modules - Drupal version number then module version number. For Drupal version 6 modules, it follows something like 6.x-2.1, for example. For Drupal version 7, something like 7.x-1.1, for example.
For CiviCRM, naming conventions for extensions could be 4.4-1.0 and 4.7-1.0, for example.
I think this would be really helpful for clarifying which extensions (should) work with which Civi versions.
The current system is a little vague, and it's sometimes unclear which extensions should work with which Civi version.
Also, extension version update info does not always get updated on the Civi website extensions page, but is sometimes buried in a GitHub repo issue discussion, or in a blog post elsewhere on the CiviCRM website, or issues.civicrm.org, or another website entirely.