I am trying to use the MailGun extntion by teamsinger in WordPress ( Civicrm 4.7.11 )
The main issue I am facing is the webhooks back.
The documentation gives the path https://www.example.com/civicrm/mailgun/bounce
Which may well be appropriate for Drupal but not for WordPress.
The code seems to create a page for the hook.
Accessing that page manually
I can see that it is being reached via
(as it is giving the correct validation failure generated by the code )
The issue is I need MailGun to reach that page and Mailgun is not logged in of course and
returns with "Sorry, no content matched your criteria." response
I have turned off all plugins except CiviCRM & turned off permalinks and given "Master control for access to the main CiviCRM backend and API" to annoymous
All to no avail?
Any ideas?