I am getting the error "Incorrect Resource URL" and seeing 404 for URLs that go to "undefinedjs/jquery/jquery.crmAjaxTable.js" and many instances of the error "Unable to reach the server. Please refresh this page in your browser and try again."
I have tried resetting the URL (/admin/setting/updateConfigBackend?reset=1), adding a static path (civicrm/admin/setting/url?reset=1) and doing an override (https://docs.civicrm.org/sysadmin/en/latest/customize/settings/).
I am seeing the error in the UI and viewing the 404 using the browser console. I am also using the CV command from the command line and see that the generated path from (/admin/setting/updateConfigBackend?reset=1) does not match what I would expect.
[root@domain default]# cv path -c userFrameworkResourceURL https://crm.domian.org//home/user/public_html/sites/all/modules/civicrm
I think the URL should be https://crm.domian.org/sites/all/modules/civicrm.
This started when upgrading a Drupal 7 site to 4.7.28.
Help with this is greatly appreciated. I am out of ideas.