Upgrading from 4.0 to 4.1 by working through the fine documentation on wiki.civicrm.org. Cleared all drupal caches, deleted civicrm/templates_c/* and ConfigAndLog/* ran civicrm/admin/setting/updateConfigBackend&reset=1, civicrm/admin/setting/path?reset=1
However menu dropdowns, tab expansion were not working since civicrm is still trying to open files from v4.0.8 namely in ../jquery/jquery-ui-1.8.11, ../plugins/jsTree.v.1.0rc2, jquery/jquery.js etc whereas V4.1.5 comes with jquery-ui-1.8.16 for example
Got the site operational by copying the old jquery files back into the codebase so most appears to be working.
What resets which jquery files are used?