I'm using WordPress v4.9.5 and install CiviCRM v4.7.31 I want to activate 'Thai' language to CiviCRM, but there is no option to include this one into system. I try to check at Administrator > Localization > Language, Currency, Locations There is only one available which is "English (United States)"
I also try to contribute to translate project at https://www.transifex.com/civicrm/civicrm/translate/#th_TH but there is no progress yet, it's about 5%
I download l10n from https://download.civicrm.org/civicrm-4.7.31-l10n.tar.gz but don't know how to install these folders to CiviCRM (there are multiple folders of l10n, and sql folder which does not have Thai files)
Could anyone help me?