thanks to @pradpnayak for guidance :D
according to the docs for hook_civicrm_alterMailParams:
You can add custom headers by appending to $params['headers']. Example:
$params['headers']['X-My-Header'] = 'my header value';
The headers key may not exist in the $params array when passed into the > hook.
so this was the code in an extension to unset the existing 'List-Unsubscribe', and put in a NULL replacement into the headers:
* Implements hook_civicrm_alterMailParams().
* @link
function custom_civicrm_alterMailParams(&$params, $context) {
if ($context == 'flexmailer' || $context == 'civimail') {
// remove existing header
// replace via the 'headers' key
$params['headers']['List-Unsubscribe'] = NULL;