I have two different newsletters – a monthly one to our full mailing list and a weekly one every other week to a smaller group. They use different templates so I cannot simply reuse a weekly issue as a monthly issue or vice versa, but I often need to repeat selected blocks (Mosaico) of content in both. At the moment, I am laboriously copying each element (title, text, button text, button link, image) from one mailing to the next, but this is really time-consuming. Is there a way to copy a block from one mailing into another mailing, eg by copy and paste or saving to a library?
1 Answer
One way that I am aware of is to click into a block in one mailing and then select the "Source" button
That will bring up the HTML source code dialog window
You could copy this, and then paste it into a block on the other mailing and assuming there are no fundamental differences in the template's stylesheet, it should look the same.