I just upgraded a Drupal site to 5.27.1 and am noticing that when I do a search for contacts, contacts that are in the trash are also showing up in results (which did not happen before). I was able to reproduce this on the official demo server as well (reporting 5.29.alpha1) by deleting a contact and then running a search with that deleted contact's name -- they still show up in the results.

When I click on the contact record it still does show correctly that the contact is deleted.

2 Answers 2


I think this is already reported on git lab and has fixed at https://github.com/civicrm/civicrm-core/pull/17798

The fix is available in 5.27.2 version of Civi. Try upgrading Civi to 5.27.2


Ah, found this: Advanced Search returns contacts in Trash even if 'Search in Trash' not ticked which links to this pull:

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