An e-mail address is used by 3 contacts. These contacts belongs to a group. Sending a mail by Civimail to the group and tick 'Dedupe by email' works fine: only 1 mail is sent. But only 1 contact (randomly?) gets the Activity 'Bulk Email'. Is it possible that all contacts get this Activity?

  • possible in the sense of 'out of the box'? no. possible in the sense that 'can an extension be built to add this feature'? probably yes. possible in the sense that 'might the great gods of civicrm bestow this feature on to the community', pretty unlikely tbh.
    – petednz - fuzion
    Commented Dec 2, 2021 at 8:39
  • Pete's wonderful and eloquent comment in other words: you have to code this yourself. But as you can imagine, it's not too simple and maybe costly. You would hook into the sending process, check for contacts which have the same email address and are in a group addressed by the mailing, get the activity and save a copy.
    – nielo
    Commented Dec 7, 2021 at 20:09
  • I have the same issue, that makes me think that "dedupe by email" does more harm than good. Scenario: we do a resend of a bulk email to pick up those who didn't get it the first time but now meet the criteria, but this will include many email addresses that already received it on behalf of a different contact. Getting it twice at the same time is probably better than getting it on different occasions. Commented Sep 25 at 14:15


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