Contribution report configuration

I have Contacts with 2 types of Contributions.

A) Contribution with CONTRIBUTION SOURCE = keyword

B) Contribution with CONTRIBUTION NOTE = keyword

How can I include both types of CONTRIBUTIONS in a single Report?

As far as I have checked, I can't search for both, because it is logical AND (I'd need OR for that).

P.S. Alternatively, I'd like to open CONTRIBUTIONS where SOURCE and NOTE is side by side and I can manually adjust SOURCE until it is uniform (contains keyword).

3 Answers 3


SearchKit is your friend! It can do 'or' in the search.

See this :

enter image description here

  • Looks promising. Where do I find this SearchKit? Is it a core function in newer versions (I currently run 5.37.2), or should it be installed separately?
    – Aivars
    Commented Apr 14, 2022 at 7:42
  • 1
    Yes, SearchKit is core functionality but is disabled by default so you will need to enable it on the extensions page (Administer > System Settings > Extensions). It is evolving rapidly, so you'll get the best results if you update to the latest version of CiviCRM. Documentation here: docs.civicrm.org/user/en/latest/the-user-interface/search-kit Commented Apr 15, 2022 at 19:42
  • This is a very good tool. Thanks for suggestion.
    – Aivars
    Commented Apr 16, 2022 at 8:38

This may be what you're looking for: https://civicrm.org/blog/titania/civicrm%E2%80%99s-powerful-custom-reporting-helps-create-targeted-groups-for-year-end

You can create two separate groups for each type. Then, include both on the include / exclude custom search page. Search -> Custom Search -> Include / Exclude

include exclude search

You can create include / exclude searches and save the results as a "super smart group".


You can alternatively use the "Advanced Search" feature to display results as contributions, and use the contributions table to specify specific contribution record criteria (Including Source).

Don't forget to select "OR" as your search operator.

You can then select all contibution records and export them, selecting the fields you want to export. advanced search

Contribution export

This may not have every single thing you need, but you can always find other criteria to help narrow down your search. And maybe get you a bit closer?

  • Thanks. However, this would return a group of CONTACTS while I need to get CONTRIBUTIONS. (Not even all contributions of specific contacts, but specific contributions.)
    – Aivars
    Commented Apr 14, 2022 at 7:44

You can find both sets of Contacts via SearchBuilder (which is not visible in menu on recent versions but can still be accessed via /civicrm/contact/search/builder?reset=1

enter image description here

Not sure if that gets you close enough to what you need

  • Thanks. However, this search returns CONTACTS while I need to get CONTRIBUTIONS. (Also unexpected error while searching with wildcard in Contribution Note, will create a separate issue.)
    – Aivars
    Commented Apr 14, 2022 at 7:41
  • then Greyson's answer is better
    – petednz - fuzion
    Commented Apr 14, 2022 at 21:17

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