I have just upgraded CiviCRM to 5.57 in my Joomla 3.11 environment and instantly it tells me that the following error is triggered:

Fatal error: Declaration of CRM_Custom_Import_Form_Summary::preProcess() must be compatible with CRM_Contact_Import_Form_Summary::preProcess(): void in /homepages/33/d128624839/htdocs/clickandbuilds/Joomla/BackfordAreaHistory/administrator/components/com_civicrm/civicrm/CRM/Custom/Import/Form/Summary.php on line 13

How do I resolve this?


2 Answers 2


This seems to be a duplicate of (Fixed) CRM_Custom_Import_Form_Summary error when sending one of email.

Delete this file: CRM/Custom/Import/Form/Summary.php


The issue is now resolved, but not using the response given.

Just after experiencing the error, I attempted an upgrade to Joomla 4 and that borked as well. This meant, I then had to rebuild the site from scratch. During that process, I discovered the underlying reason for both failures - my hosting provider's file number limits were being breached (Grrrh!!).

Thanks anyway for the response.

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