I have two instances of WordPress (both running 4.7.4).
I have tried on one to install CiviCRM 4.6.27 and the other, CiviCRM 4.7.18. But, I get the same error: I try to install, I get all clear for the test to the DB and FileSystem, but after clicking on the « Check Requirements and Install CiviCRM » button, the browser just keep on loading the page with no success nor error messages.
I've install the plugin « Error Log Monitor » but I see nothing. Also, the file civicrm.settings.php in the upload/civicrm folder doesn't exists.
I get this in my apache error log file:
2017-04-24 01:44:09.900 [INFO] [] Connection idle time: 91 while in state: 10 stream flag: 0,close!
2017-04-24 01:44:09.900 [NOTICE] [] Content len: 215, Request line: 'POST /wp-admin/options-general.php?page=civicrm-install HTTP/1.1'
2017-04-24 01:44:09.900 [INFO] [] Cookie len: 522, wordpress_efc9291620b9675fe124bc49dffdbee0=admin%7C1494220081%7Co5FUUWceWVXphjqDGUCDRikjuFvBeiZ9HSUbfxuKt7r%7Cf2762fb5071fa7a4a6f9dcc220b8402c3852569d55f33b951e942f84912bd462; _ga=GA1.2.118246024.1491536971; PHPSESSID=a81gmdbmehahoikdne82n1ehv2; wordpress_test_cookie=WP+Cookie+check; wordpress_logged_in_efc9291620b9675fe124bc49dffdbee0=admin%7C1494220081%7Co5FUUWceWVXphjqDGUCDRikjuFvBeiZ9HSUbfxuKt7r%7C1f32a1947ae120408e5bd791386098b6fd1d01e0c86ab85ca52f7b885b6c2a1b; wp-settings-time-1=1493012558;wp-settings-1=deleted
2017-04-24 01:44:09.900 [INFO] [] HttpExtConnector state: 8, request body sent: 215, response body size: -1, response body sent:4529, left in buffer: 0, attempts: 0.
2017-04-24 01:44:09.900 [INFO] [] Lsapi connection state: 3, watching event: 25, respState: 5, m_iTotalPending:0, m_iPacketLeft:0, m_iCurRespHeader:8, req sent for 91 seconds,Total processing time: 91.
2017-04-24 01:44:09.900 [INFO] [] Abort request processing by PID:410255, kill: 1, begin time: 91, sent time: 91, req processed: 0
I'm on a provider's machine, a CentOS 6.0 64 bit. WordPress seams to work fine.
Issue? Where to look?
Regards, Antoine