Yo yo yo everyone, hello we're doing an upgrade from civi 4.0.5 >>> 4.7 and running into the following issue :
In civicrm older version 4.0.5 we are able to create fixed payment amounts as the only options available on the contribution page e.g. https://sitename.org/civicrm/admin/contribute/amount?reset=1&action=update&id=78
Previously on the live payment (contribution) page in 4.0.5 it would display, in a box, the minimum membership amount, i.e. "(contribute at least $_____ to be eligible for this membership" plus "Your _TYPE__ membership expired on___expiration date_____) but at same time we could restrict payment options to solely the "Fixed Contribution Options"
(without compelling the user to add automatically the minimum membership fee to it)
Note : Membership settings are configured as follows
- Membership Section Enabled? Y
- Default membership selected Y
- Require Membership Signup Y
- Separate Membership Payment N
- Display Membership Fee Y
In other words , restrict the payment to only use what we configure in the fixed payment options
For the minimum membership amount set in membership type , we just want to display it as previous.
No matter how we play with the settings...we cannot get it back after upgrading to 4.7
Any idea or links as to what changed in civicrm 4.7 and why ?
And .. do we need to custom code to fix?