Drupal 7.56 / CiviCRM 4.7.20
Some (only a few) of my users do not receive the "one time login url" mail when they want to reset their (forgotten) password (also checked in spam and trash).
The odd thing is that if I personnaly send them a mail from postmaster@... (using thunderbird for instance), they receive it. They also receive it if I send it from CiviCRM (from any Organization or Individual). I find no explanation to that.
So, I envisage to personnaly send them their [user:one-time-login-url]. Can I do that ? How ?
(I know that this is rather a Drupal specific question, and I submitted it to Drupal Stackexchange, but I also submit it here just in case someone has a solution : I thought I could include this [user:one-time-login-url] in a mail sent via CiviCRM, but this token is not available in Civi mailing feature).