In a Drupal/Civicrm setup, how do I create a page which
- Lists all members of a group
- Allows user to select certain members and register them for an pre-selected event to record attendance
This is how I envision it:
Please submit attendance for this week's event:
[ ] Bob Smith
[x] Jeff Mason
[x] Susan Collins
My thoughts so far:
- I know #1 can be accomplished with a View, but how do I allow group members to be selected and registered for a pre-selected event?
- I know #2 can be partially accomplished with a Webform, but only by typing in group member names – not selecting them from a list.
Is there a way to combine Views/Webform to accomplish this?
The ultimate goal is to automatically email a custom link to this page to group leader to submit attendance after event each week.
Thank you.