I'm working on a site where whenever a contribution is entered into civi with a decimal, it's multipled by 100. It's a lot like this old issue, except the site has not to my knowledge ever been localized and has always used USD.
In the localization settings if I change the decimal value to a comma and the thousands separator to a period and enter a contribution of $5,00 the contribution amount is 5. When I swap it back to the U.S. dollar defaults, entering 5.00 is a contribution amount of 500. I can't replicate on any other site, but I can replicate when loading the civicrm database into a clean codebase and clean wordpress site. I've tested replacing the civicrm_setting table as this seemed like it may have been the culprit but that didn't help. Any clues to where else I could look for something problematic in the database?
Site is on 5.10.3 currently, it's an older install and no one remembers when this problem started.