I am trying to configure/use civimail. When I send an email from CivCRM, it goes directly to the spam foler of the recipent. Looking at the mail header, I see Received-SPF: Fail (protection.outlook.com: domain of hamap.org does not designate as permitted sender). Looking at CiviCRM documentation, I understand thar I need to create a SPF record using openSPF but OpenSPF does not exist anymore. Can someone tell me how to create a SPF record or something similar? Thks.
Configuring Sender Policy Framework (SPF)
By default, the Internet allows any mail server to send any email claiming to be from anyone. This makes it easy for spammers to forge addresses and send spam using your email address (or any other). SPF allows you to create a special DNS record listing the IP addresses of the mail servers that can legitimately send email from @yourdomain.org.
If your domain name already has an SPF record, make sure that it includes the IP address of your CiviCRM mail server (which might be a different from the host used for the web server or from your mail servers), and if it doesn't, add this IP address.
If you don't have an SPF record, consider adding one. You will need to add at least your mail server and CiviCRM server (if they are different) to the SPF record.
You can read more about SPF at http://www.openspf.org.