After an upgrade from 4.7.28 to 5.3.1:
- Text areas (e.g. editing an event description) have a blank part of the screen in place of the normal editing box.
- The configure page of the ckeditor is also broken.
- Both of those pages show a console error:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property '17' of undefined at Object.keystrokeToArray (ckeditor.js:36) at Object.keystrokeToString (ckeditor.js:35) at CKEDITOR.ui.button.render (ckeditor.js:636) at G (ckeditor.js:647) at a. (ckeditor.js:649) at a.h (ckeditor.js:10) at a. (ckeditor.js:11) at (ckeditor.js:13) at b (ckeditor.js:326) at a. (ckeditor.js:325)
- They also show console errors of missing css files, which appear to be missing from the monoo-lisa skin directory of the ckeditor directory of my drupal libraries, i.e. not the one civicrm has bundled or should use. I presume this is just a side effect of the above error.
I have a very similar site that went through the same upgrade that does not have this issue (and both sites use Drupal's ckeditor via the wysiwyg module). This site notably has a very large CRM variable defined in javascript, but it doesn't show any other errors.