I've searched here and on the CiviCRM forum but haven't been able to find an answer to what I was hoping would be fairly simple.
I want to give people the option of making their contribution recurring, however I don't want the checkbox checked when the form loads I only want the checkbox checked if the user selects it. This is to avoid an embarrassing situation a month down the road when we process their donation again.
Here's a page with the form in test mode
I'm not all that good with code, but did look with Developer Tools and found this:
<!-- .tpl file invoked: CRM/Contribute/Form/Contribution/Main.tpl. Call via form.tpl if we have a form in the page. -->
I looked at Main.tpl (lines 147-177) but don't understand enough to remove the checked="checked" attribute from the input tag.
{if $form.is_recur}
<div class="crm-section {$form.is_recur.name}-section">
<div class="label"> </div>
<div class="content">
{$form.is_recur.html} {$form.is_recur.label} {ts}every{/ts}
{if $is_recur_interval}
{if $one_frequency_unit}
{if $is_recur_installments}
<span id="recur_installments_num">
{ts}for{/ts} {$form.installments.html} {$form.installments.label}
<div id="recurHelp" class="description">
{ts}Your recurring contribution will be processed automatically.{/ts}
{if $is_recur_installments}
{ts}You can specify the number of installments, or you can leave the number of installments blank if you want to make an open-ended commitment. In either case, you can choose to cancel at any time.{/ts}
{if $is_email_receipt}
{ts}You will receive an email receipt for each recurring contribution.{/ts}
<div class="clear"></div>
Thanks in advance.