Do we have a extension already in the community which allows us to use Worldpay as a payment processor? I have not found one. Do we need to create new payment processor extension for Worldpay?

3 Answers 3


It looks like there is experimental code available on Github for a Worldpay processor, which might need further development.

You may also want to explore the Omnipay extension. It doesn't list Worldpay on the extension page yet, but there is a driver for Worldpay with Omnipay that may just need some testing and/or minor tweaks to get running with CiviCRM using the Omnipay extension.


This is in production use on several sites https://github.com/circleinteractive/uk.co.circleinteractive.payment.worldpay


New extension Created - Alpha version has been released

Worldpay has two Gateway one

  1. secure.worldpay.com
  2. online.worldpay.com

So I have created an extension for online.worldpay.com which can be accessed using API In this no more redirection to worldpay site - for more info


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