Is there a way to batch update relationships, specifically the type of relationship along with the start and end date?

I don't see the fields to add to a profile to do a batch update. I also don't see a way on import to add a start and end date to the relationship mapping.


2 Answers 2


This is possible in one of two ways:

  • Use the API CSV Import GUI extension. This will allow you to import relationships with start/end dates. As a matter of workflow, you'll probably end up exporting existing relationships and reimporting via the extension.
  • Make the changes directly in SQL, in the civicrm_relationship table.

There's actions to add relationships between contacts and a household/organization in the search action menu, but what you're describing doesn't exist out of the box. I certainly think it's a good candidate for a sponsored improvement though.

  • I'm trying to update the current relationships in CiviCRM through the import process. There is no field for set active/inactive the current relationship in basic import process of CiviCRM. Then I saw your solution, installed the extension and tried to inactive the current relationships. I use contact_id_a and contact_id_b and relationship_type id and set the is_active to 0 in csv file. But this extension gives me an error "Error with entity "create"! (Duplicate Relationship)". I'm going to update this relationship but this extension tries to create a relationship and fails because this relatio
    – Mehrnoosh
    Commented Jun 12, 2019 at 7:02

With SearchKit, probably from version 5.43, it will be possible to do in-place edits of relationship fields as start and end dates, is active and custom fields. https://github.com/civicrm/civicrm-core/pull/21533

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