I have filtered the data being shown in a custom group tab on contact page but I'm struggling on how to change the count being shown next to the tab name. Could anyone help me how? thanks

1 Answer 1


I assume you used a tabset hook to adapt the tab on the contact page. That is where you can influence the count as you can see here:

  $tabs[] = [
    'id' => "mediweattestbeheer",
    'url' => CRM_Utils_System::url("civicrm/mediweattestbeheer/page/mediweattest", "reset=1&mid=" . $contactId, TRUE),
    'title' => "Attesten",
    'weight' => 16,
    'count' => CRM_Mediweattestbeheer_BAO_MediweAttest::telAttestenMedewerker($contactId),
    'class' => "livePage",

For the count parameter I have used a function that counts the number of records in the table for the specific contact.

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