I tried installing new extensions, however it timed out on my site. Now when I try and go to my backend cvi home with the dashlets, I am receiving a network error: unable to reach server.

I also receive an error when trying to go into contact records. When I turned debug on, this is what I received:

SELECT `a`.`id` AS `id`, `a`.`uf_group_id` AS `uf_group_id`, `uf_group_id_1`.`title` AS `uf_group_id.title`, `uf_group_id_1`.`name` AS `uf_group_id.name`, `uf_group_id_1`.`group_type` AS `uf_group_id.group_type`, GROUP_CONCAT(`fields`.`field_name` SEPARATOR "") AS `field_names`, GROUP_CONCAT(`fields`.`label` ORDER BY `fields`.`weight` SEPARATOR "") AS `field_labels` FROM civicrm_uf_join a LEFT JOIN `civicrm_uf_group` `uf_group_id_1` ON `a`.`uf_group_id` = `uf_group_id_1`.`id` LEFT JOIN (`civicrm_uf_field` `fields`) ON `a`.`uf_group_id` = `fields`.`uf_group_id` AND `fields`.`is_active` = "1" WHERE (`a`.`module` = "Contact Summary") AND (`uf_group_id_1`.`is_active` = "1") GROUP BY `a`.`id` [nativecode=1055 ** 'ajybnmfy_adcid.a.uf_group_id' isn't in GROUP BY]

DebugInfo   SELECT `a`.`id` AS `id`, `a`.`uf_group_id` AS `uf_group_id`, `uf_group_id_1`.`title` AS `uf_group_id.title`, `uf_group_id_1`.`name` AS `uf_group_id.name`, `uf_group_id_1`.`group_type` AS `uf_group_id.group_type`, GROUP_CONCAT(`fields`.`field_name` SEPARATOR "") AS `field_names`, GROUP_CONCAT(`fields`.`label` ORDER BY `fields`.`weight` SEPARATOR "") AS `field_labels` FROM civicrm_uf_join a LEFT JOIN `civicrm_uf_group` `uf_group_id_1` ON `a`.`uf_group_id` = `uf_group_id_1`.`id` LEFT JOIN (`civicrm_uf_field` `fields`) ON `a`.`uf_group_id` = `fields`.`uf_group_id` AND `fields`.`is_active` = "1" WHERE (`a`.`module` = "Contact Summary") AND (`uf_group_id_1`.`is_active` = "1") GROUP BY `a`.`id` [nativecode=1055 ** 'ajybnmfy_adcid.a.uf_group_id' isn't in GROUP BY]

Can anybody help me with this?

2 Answers 2


civi isn't fully sql group-by compliant. You'll need to turn that off in your database's SQL_MODE. See the part about ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY at https://docs.civicrm.org/installation/en/latest/general/requirements/#mysql-configuration

  • I have tried to run this, this morning, but I still recieve the same error. Although ni didnt run it as GLOBAL, due to no permissions on then hosted server, I removed GLOBAL and ran it successfully., yet the error remains
    – Dan
    Commented Jul 29 at 7:24
  • Ask your hosting provider how to set sql_mode globally on their systems.
    – Demerit
    Commented Jul 29 at 12:38
  • The hosting provider refused to run this sql due to it being unsafe for the rest of the server. However after updating civicrm it is working fine now.
    – Dan
    Commented Aug 13 at 9:20

After updating civicrm and running db update, this issue is no longer occurring.

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