I'm trying to install Drupal and CiviCRM in a local development environment and I keep running into this issue:

[Exception] CiviCRM appears to have already been installed. Skipping full installation.

If I remove the civicrm database and civicrm.settings.php I can install Drupal and CiviCRM.

This is my current script:

mv web/sites/default/civicrm.settings.php web/sites/default/civicrm.settings.php.bkp
mysql -uroot -proot -hdb -e "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS civicrm; CREATE DATABASE civicrm; GRANT ALL ON civicrm.* TO 'db'@'%';"
drush site:install minimal --existing-config --account-name=admin --account-pass=password --yes
drush pmu gvote_sync
mv web/sites/default/civicrm.settings.php.bkp web/sites/default/civicrm.settings.php

I understand requiring a clean database, but it seems like there's a use case for installing CiviCRM with an existing settings file. Is there a different way I should be doing this?

For context we have a large amount of Drupal Config saved in config/sync that we would like to import. As well as a bunch of CiviCRM config defined in code.

  • 1
    i am probably misunderstanding, but having created 'clean' database, is there something preventing you then loading a backup of your existing db in to it? (using the skip triggers options eg civicrm.stackexchange.com/a/620/96
    – petednz - fuzion
    Commented Oct 21 at 18:11
  • Yeah, good question. The size of our production database is ~20GB and we're sharing this development environment with volunteers and contractors that we don't want to have access to our production data Commented Oct 21 at 19:53
  • 1
    If you are needing eg Custom Fields in the db, and Custom Activity Types then you may need to look at github.com/CiviCooP/org.civicoop.configitems
    – petednz - fuzion
    Commented Oct 22 at 2:42


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