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Questions tagged [entityref]

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Change output for address Entity Reference

I added a Entity Reference custom field for Address entity. When I search an address the autocomplete shows the street_address, postal_code, city, province and country. But I'd like also to show ...
masetto's user avatar
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Quickform AddEntityRef Errors 5.58

I'm using Civicrm 5.58.1 on Wordpress 6.2.2. I've had a QuickForm working for quite some time. $this->addEntityRef('Location_province', ts('Select Province'), ['entity' => 'state_province','api'...
Norm Dressler's user avatar
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How do you select a value of an EntityRef Select2 using jQuery?

I have a scenario where a user selects a row of data to edit and I want an EntityRef Select2 box to be populated with a piece of information from that row. The EntityRef select2 widget works for ...
Alec Macleod's user avatar
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How can I trigger a selection for a Select2 EntityRef element via javascript?

The CiviCRM EntityRef form element uses a Select2 select box to make lots of CiviCRM forms more awesome. A user can, for example, search for contacts to choose one. Great. I am building an extension ...
Sean's user avatar
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How can I customise site search settings to use a wildcard for a specific entityRef field?

Is it possible to override the site search settings with respect to the wildcard search, for a specific entityRef field? We have the site search setting configured with wildcard search disabled. On a ...
lcdservices's user avatar
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crmEntityRef Populated with Custom Fields from a Custom Group

I would like to use crmEntityRef to load all the fields from a custom group I have created. I would like to have the list show the label for the field, and when selected it would return the id. The ...
Sleewok's user avatar
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Dynamically Change QuickForm on EntityRef selection

I am building a form that has an entityRef that gets me a list of groups. When a group is selected I want another entityRef to be displayed that uses the value of from the entityRef selection (I'm ...
Sleewok's user avatar
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entityRef widget seems to not respecting params

Whatever has been tried, this code doesn't restrict entityRef widget output according to desired parameters: $selection = array(132, 168, 169); $sa_custom_props = array( 'api' => array('params' =...
yurg's user avatar
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