I have a problem related to 'mailings'. When I create a new mailing and select a group (for example, 'current members') in 'Recipients' then it is not showing all recipients. For example, I have 5681 total contacts, 67 of which are in 'Current Members' group, but after selecting this group in mailing it is showing only 4 recipients. I have checked there are not any blocked contacts and there are also not "Do Not Call" for any contact.

I am using following versions

CiviCRM Version 4.7.17 Wordpress Version 4.7.3

2 Answers 2


Indeed, civicrm automatically excludes from the mailing recipients contacts that:

  • have opted out (do not contact me)
  • have bounced
  • have said they do not want to receive emails

(I might miss a criteria or two)

Check some of your "vanished" contacts, the contact summary page should make clear why she isn't included.

Bounce emails is a common issue. It might be that you had a technical problem once and that your mail server wasn't willing to deliver the emails (eg. because you have a quota on how many emails you can send per hour) and were incorrectly flagged as bounce.

  • Where i check the "vanished" contacts? Commented Apr 18, 2017 at 6:35
  • search the contact in the groups that are not in the mailing recipinent and compare. I'm not sure I understood your question
    – Xavier
    Commented Apr 18, 2017 at 16:37
  • I have already compare but not found any help Commented Apr 19, 2017 at 5:21
  • Please help me for this problem Commented Apr 24, 2017 at 7:39

I have a similar issue today, and this fixed it - https://medium.com/@simonjohnparker/mosaico-civimail-all-recipients-not-showing-when-selecting-a-group-for-mailing-5c35c8232996

which links back to this: CiviMail Does Not Send To A Whole Group


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