I have recently installed the Extended Reports Extension within civiCRM. However, I am noticing some strange behavior when I attempt to make a template.
Within the Bookkeeping with extra fields template, if I use the group by function, I do not receive the proper line totals (they are not adding up).
For instance, if I group by line item financial type, it groups it correctly, but the line totals are wrong:
If I use the Contribution Based Line Item report, the totals are accurate. However, I need the account code on this report, which is why I was using the bookkeeping report.
Any idea on how to fix this or make the account codes available in the Contribution Based Report? I looked through the code and was able to make the financial account columns appear; however, upon selecting the columns I got a "DB not available error". I believe I need to add something similar to the code below, but I wasn't exactly sure how to do it correctly.
function joinActivityFromCase() {
$this->_from .= "
LEFT JOIN {$this->_caseActivityTable} cca ON cca.case_id = {$this->_aliases['civicrm_case']}.id
LEFT JOIN civicrm_activity {$this->_aliases['civicrm_activity']} ON {$this->_aliases['civicrm_activity']}.id = cca.activity_id";
I couldn't find a place to report the bug on civiCRM, so I posted it here.