I installed CiviCRM 5.4.0 locally under both Apache and IIS 6 (PHP 7.0) and did not get this error, but the every time I try to installing it using shared hosting (Everleap - IIS 8, PHP 7.0) the install fails with:
Uncaught Symfony\Component\Filesystem\Exception\IOException: Cannot rename "C:\home\site\wwwroot\wp-content\uploads\civicrm\templates_c\Cac3AA.tmp" to "C:\home\site\wwwroot/wp-content/uploads\civicrm\templates_c/CachedCiviContainer.e5d039483e5b5fef124d645e968cad32.php"
Now, I can verify that the file exists (Cac3AA.tmp) in the templates_c folder, so I know the install process created that file (has write access to the folder). However, the rename fails. Anyone see that before?
if (true !== @rename(str_replace(array("\\\\", "\\/"), "\\", $origin), str_replace(array("\\\\", "\\/"), "\\", $target))) {
to remove the extra slashes, and this part works (although now it's breaking in Smarty as well. Any one have any idea why having double slashes works on my local file system and not on the shared host.