When sending the email for offline registration, the total amount does not appear in the email if no payment has been recorded.

Once a payment is recorded, the total appears (even if the payment is only partial - subsidiary question: how to record a second payment, e.g. for the balance?)

However, in the civicrm_participant table, the fee_level field is saved. In addition, I cannot find the amount entered in another table. So it seems that the $totalAmount tag captures this information well.

Also, I don’t see any conditions in the code that would impact the display or not.

As suggested on this post, Event fees not showing correctly, I went back to the default system message and the problem is the same.

What can I do to fix this? We want registrants to receive the total amount to be paid when the secretary registers them in CiviCRM.

Would there be any similarity to the problem described here: Event email receipt doesn't have Total amount data ?

Thank you in advance for your help.

CiviCRM 5.43.2 / Joomla! 3.10.6

Thank you in advance for your help.

The content of the message template is as follows:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />

{capture assign=headerStyle}colspan="2" style="text-align: left; padding: 4px; border-bottom: 1px solid #999; background-color: #eee;"{/capture}
{capture assign=labelStyle }style="padding: 4px; border-bottom: 1px solid #999; background-color: #f7f7f7;"{/capture}
{capture assign=valueStyle }style="padding: 4px; border-bottom: 1px solid #999;"{/capture}

  <table id="crm-event_receipt" style="font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; text-align: left; width:100%; max-width:700px; padding:0; margin:0; border:0px;">

  <!-- BEGIN HEADER -->
  <!-- You can add table row(s) here with logo or other header elements -->
  <!-- END HEADER -->

  <!-- BEGIN CONTENT -->

    <!--{assign var="greeting" value="{contact.email_greeting}"}{if $greeting}<p>{$greeting},</p>{/if}-->

    {if $event.confirm_email_text AND (not $isOnWaitlist AND not $isRequireApproval)}

    {if $isOnWaitlist}
     <p>{ts}You have been added to the WAIT LIST for this event.{/ts}</p>
     {if $isPrimary}
       <p>{ts}If space becomes available you will receive an email with a link to a web page where you can complete your registration.{/ts}</p>
    {elseif $isRequireApproval}
     <p>{ts}Your registration has been submitted.{/ts}</p>
     {if $isPrimary}
      <p>{ts}Once your registration has been reviewed, you will receive an email with a link to a web page where you can complete the registration process.{/ts}</p>
    {elseif $is_pay_later}
     <p>{$pay_later_receipt}</p> {* FIXME: this might be text rather than HTML *}

    <table style="border: 1px solid #999; margin: 1em 0em 1em; border-collapse: collapse; width:100%;">
      <th {$headerStyle}>
       {ts}Event Information and Location{/ts}
      <td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
       {$event.event_title}<br />
       {$event.event_start_date|crmDate}{if $event.event_end_date}-{if $event.event_end_date|date_format:"%Y%m%d" == $event.event_start_date|date_format:"%Y%m%d"}{$event.event_end_date|crmDate:0:1}{else}{$event.event_end_date|crmDate}{/if}{/if}

     {if $event.participant_role neq 'Attendee' and $defaultRole}
       <td {$labelStyle}>
        {ts}Participant Role{/ts}
       <td {$valueStyle}>

     {if $isShowLocation}
       <td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>

     <!--{if $location.phone.1.phone || $location.email.1.email}
       <td colspan="2" {$labelStyle}>
        {ts}Event Contacts:{/ts}
      {foreach from=$location.phone item=phone}
       {if $phone.phone}
         <td {$labelStyle}>
          {if $phone.phone_type}
         <td {$valueStyle}>
          {$phone.phone} {if $phone.phone_ext}&nbsp;{ts}ext.{/ts} {$phone.phone_ext}{/if}
      {foreach from=$location.email item=eventEmail}
       {if $eventEmail.email}
         <td {$labelStyle}>
         <td {$valueStyle}>

     {if $event.is_public}
       <td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
        {capture assign=icalFeed}{crmURL p='civicrm/event/ical' q="reset=1&id=`$event.id`" h=0 a=1 fe=1}{/capture}
        <a href="{$icalFeed}">{ts}Download iCalendar File{/ts}</a>

     <!--{if $email}
       <th {$headerStyle}>
        {ts}Registered Email{/ts}
       <td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>

     {if $event.is_monetary}

       <th {$headerStyle}>

      {if $lineItem}
       {foreach from=$lineItem item=value key=priceset}
        {if $value neq 'skip'}
         {if $isPrimary}
          {if $lineItem|@count GT 1} {* Header for multi participant registration cases. *}
            <td colspan="2" {$labelStyle}>
             {ts 1=$priceset+1}Participant %1{/ts}
          <td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
           <table> {* FIXME: style this table so that it looks like the text version (justification, etc.) *}
             {if $dataArray}
              <th>{ts}Tax Rate{/ts}</th>
              <th>{ts}Tax Amount{/ts}</th>
       {if $pricesetFieldsCount }<th>{ts}Total Participants{/ts}</th>{/if}
            {foreach from=$value item=line}
        {if $line.html_type eq 'Text'}{$line.label}{else}{$line.field_title} - {$line.label}{/if} {if $line.description}<div>{$line.description|truncate:30:"..."}</div>{/if}
              {if $dataArray}
               {if $line.tax_rate != "" || $line.tax_amount != ""}
        {if  $pricesetFieldsCount }
       {if $dataArray}
         <td {$labelStyle}>
          {ts}Amount Before Tax:{/ts}
         <td {$valueStyle}>
        {foreach from=$dataArray item=value key=priceset}
           {if $priceset || $priceset == 0}
            <td>&nbsp;{$taxTerm} {$priceset|string_format:"%.2f"}%</td>
            <td>&nbsp;{ts}No{/ts} {$taxTerm}</td>

      {if $amount && !$lineItem}
       {foreach from=$amount item=amnt key=level}
         <td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
          {$amnt.amount|crmMoney} {$amnt.label}
      {if $totalTaxAmount}
        <td {$labelStyle}>
         {ts}Total Tax Amount{/ts}
        <td {$valueStyle}>
      {if $isPrimary}
        <td {$labelStyle}>
        {if $balanceAmount}
           {ts}Total Paid{/ts}
           {ts}Total Amount{/ts}
        <td {$valueStyle}>
{if !empty($totalAmount)}{$totalAmount|crmMoney:$currency}{/if} {if !empty($hookDiscount.message)}({$hookDiscount.message}){/if}
<!--         {$totalAmount|crmMoney} {if $hookDiscount.message}({$hookDiscount.message}){/if}-->
      {if $balanceAmount}
        <td {$labelStyle}>
        <td {$valueStyle}>
       {if $pricesetFieldsCount }
       <td {$labelStyle}>
   {ts}Total Participants{/ts}</td>
       <td {$valueStyle}>
   {assign var="count" value= 0}
         {foreach from=$lineItem item=pcount}
         {assign var="lineItemCount" value=0}
         {if $pcount neq 'skip'}
           {foreach from=$pcount item=p_count}
           {assign var="lineItemCount" value=$lineItemCount+$p_count.participant_count}
           {if $lineItemCount < 1 }
           assign var="lineItemCount" value=1}
           {assign var="count" value=$count+$lineItemCount}
       {if $is_pay_later}
         <td colspan="2" {$labelStyle}>

       {if $register_date}
         <td {$labelStyle}>
          {ts}Registration Date{/ts}
         <td {$valueStyle}>

       {if $receive_date}
         <td {$labelStyle}>
          {ts}Transaction Date{/ts}
         <td {$valueStyle}>

       {if $financialTypeName}
         <td {$labelStyle}>
          {ts}Financial Type{/ts}
         <td {$valueStyle}>

       {if $trxn_id}
         <td {$labelStyle}>
          {ts}Transaction #{/ts}
         <td {$valueStyle}>

       {if $paidBy}
         <td {$labelStyle}>
          <!--{ts}Paid By{/ts}-->Informations pour le paiement
         <td {$valueStyle}>

       {if $checkNumber}
         <td {$labelStyle}>
          {ts}Check Number{/ts}
         <td {$valueStyle}>

       {if $billingName}
         <th {$headerStyle}>
          {ts}Billing Name and Address{/ts}
         <td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
          {$billingName}<br />

       {if $credit_card_type}
         <th {$headerStyle}>
          {ts}Credit Card Information{/ts}
         <td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
          {$credit_card_type}<br />
          {$credit_card_number}<br />
          {ts}Expires{/ts}: {$credit_card_exp_date|truncate:7:''|crmDate}


     {/if} {* End of conditional section for Paid events *}

     {if $customPre}
       <th {$headerStyle}>
      {foreach from=$customPre item=value key=customName}
       {if ( $trackingFields and ! in_array( $customName, $trackingFields ) ) or ! $trackingFields}
         <td {$labelStyle}>
         <td {$valueStyle}>

     {if $customPost}
       <th {$headerStyle}>
      {foreach from=$customPost item=value key=customName}
       {if ( $trackingFields and ! in_array( $customName, $trackingFields ) ) or ! $trackingFields}
         <td {$labelStyle}>
         <td {$valueStyle}>

     {if $customProfile}
      {foreach from=$customProfile item=value key=customName}
        <th {$headerStyle}>
         {ts 1=$customName+1}Participant Information - Participant %1{/ts}
       {foreach from=$value item=val key=field}
        {if $field eq 'additionalCustomPre' or $field eq 'additionalCustomPost'}
          <td colspan="2" {$labelStyle}>
           {if $field eq 'additionalCustomPre'}
         {foreach from=$val item=v key=f}
           <td {$labelStyle}>
           <td {$valueStyle}>

     {if $customGroup}
      {foreach from=$customGroup item=value key=customName}
        <th {$headerStyle}>
       {foreach from=$value item=v key=n}
         <td {$labelStyle}>
         <td {$valueStyle}>



  • Sorry, I realize I copied and pasted the wrong system message text. Second point: I have just updated CiviCRM, I will redo tests.
    – Alain Rihs
    Commented Mar 16, 2022 at 17:06

1 Answer 1


Try changing the total amount section to:

<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Total Amount{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if !empty($totalAmount)}{$totalAmount|crmMoney:$currency}{/if} {if !empty($hookDiscount.message)}({$hookDiscount.message}){/if}
  • This does solve the problem however it does flag an "Outdated tokens in use" warning on the CiviCRM System Status page.(Civi version 5.79.0) "You are using tokens that have been removed or deprecated. Please review your event_offline_receipt message template and remove references to the token {$totalAmount} as it has been replaced by {contribution.total_amount}" Commented Dec 2 at 3:49

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