When sending the email for offline registration, the total amount does not appear in the email if no payment has been recorded.
Once a payment is recorded, the total appears (even if the payment is only partial - subsidiary question: how to record a second payment, e.g. for the balance?)
However, in the civicrm_participant table, the fee_level field is saved. In addition, I cannot find the amount entered in another table. So it seems that the $totalAmount tag captures this information well.
Also, I don’t see any conditions in the code that would impact the display or not.
As suggested on this post, Event fees not showing correctly, I went back to the default system message and the problem is the same.
What can I do to fix this? We want registrants to receive the total amount to be paid when the secretary registers them in CiviCRM.
Would there be any similarity to the problem described here: Event email receipt doesn't have Total amount data ?
Thank you in advance for your help.
CiviCRM 5.43.2 / Joomla! 3.10.6
Thank you in advance for your help.
The content of the message template is as follows:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
{capture assign=headerStyle}colspan="2" style="text-align: left; padding: 4px; border-bottom: 1px solid #999; background-color: #eee;"{/capture}
{capture assign=labelStyle }style="padding: 4px; border-bottom: 1px solid #999; background-color: #f7f7f7;"{/capture}
{capture assign=valueStyle }style="padding: 4px; border-bottom: 1px solid #999;"{/capture}
<table id="crm-event_receipt" style="font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; text-align: left; width:100%; max-width:700px; padding:0; margin:0; border:0px;">
<!-- You can add table row(s) here with logo or other header elements -->
<!-- END HEADER -->
<!--{assign var="greeting" value="{contact.email_greeting}"}{if $greeting}<p>{$greeting},</p>{/if}-->
{if $event.confirm_email_text AND (not $isOnWaitlist AND not $isRequireApproval)}
{if $isOnWaitlist}
<p>{ts}You have been added to the WAIT LIST for this event.{/ts}</p>
{if $isPrimary}
<p>{ts}If space becomes available you will receive an email with a link to a web page where you can complete your registration.{/ts}</p>
{elseif $isRequireApproval}
<p>{ts}Your registration has been submitted.{/ts}</p>
{if $isPrimary}
<p>{ts}Once your registration has been reviewed, you will receive an email with a link to a web page where you can complete the registration process.{/ts}</p>
{elseif $is_pay_later}
<p>{$pay_later_receipt}</p> {* FIXME: this might be text rather than HTML *}
<table style="border: 1px solid #999; margin: 1em 0em 1em; border-collapse: collapse; width:100%;">
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Event Information and Location{/ts}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{$event.event_title}<br />
{$event.event_start_date|crmDate}{if $event.event_end_date}-{if $event.event_end_date|date_format:"%Y%m%d" == $event.event_start_date|date_format:"%Y%m%d"}{$event.event_end_date|crmDate:0:1}{else}{$event.event_end_date|crmDate}{/if}{/if}
{if $event.participant_role neq 'Attendee' and $defaultRole}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Participant Role{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $isShowLocation}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
<!--{if $location.phone.1.phone || $location.email.1.email}
<td colspan="2" {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Event Contacts:{/ts}
{foreach from=$location.phone item=phone}
{if $phone.phone}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{if $phone.phone_type}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{$phone.phone} {if $phone.phone_ext} {ts}ext.{/ts} {$phone.phone_ext}{/if}
{foreach from=$location.email item=eventEmail}
{if $eventEmail.email}
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $event.is_public}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{capture assign=icalFeed}{crmURL p='civicrm/event/ical' q="reset=1&id=`$event.id`" h=0 a=1 fe=1}{/capture}
<a href="{$icalFeed}">{ts}Download iCalendar File{/ts}</a>
<!--{if $email}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Registered Email{/ts}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{if $event.is_monetary}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{if $lineItem}
{foreach from=$lineItem item=value key=priceset}
{if $value neq 'skip'}
{if $isPrimary}
{if $lineItem|@count GT 1} {* Header for multi participant registration cases. *}
<td colspan="2" {$labelStyle}>
{ts 1=$priceset+1}Participant %1{/ts}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
<table> {* FIXME: style this table so that it looks like the text version (justification, etc.) *}
{if $dataArray}
<th>{ts}Tax Rate{/ts}</th>
<th>{ts}Tax Amount{/ts}</th>
{if $pricesetFieldsCount }<th>{ts}Total Participants{/ts}</th>{/if}
{foreach from=$value item=line}
{if $line.html_type eq 'Text'}{$line.label}{else}{$line.field_title} - {$line.label}{/if} {if $line.description}<div>{$line.description|truncate:30:"..."}</div>{/if}
{if $dataArray}
{if $line.tax_rate != "" || $line.tax_amount != ""}
{if $pricesetFieldsCount }
{if $dataArray}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Amount Before Tax:{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{foreach from=$dataArray item=value key=priceset}
{if $priceset || $priceset == 0}
<td> {$taxTerm} {$priceset|string_format:"%.2f"}%</td>
<td> {$value|crmMoney:$currency}</td>
<td> {ts}No{/ts} {$taxTerm}</td>
<td> {$value|crmMoney:$currency}</td>
{if $amount && !$lineItem}
{foreach from=$amount item=amnt key=level}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{$amnt.amount|crmMoney} {$amnt.label}
{if $totalTaxAmount}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Total Tax Amount{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $isPrimary}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{if $balanceAmount}
{ts}Total Paid{/ts}
{ts}Total Amount{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if !empty($totalAmount)}{$totalAmount|crmMoney:$currency}{/if} {if !empty($hookDiscount.message)}({$hookDiscount.message}){/if}
<!-- {$totalAmount|crmMoney} {if $hookDiscount.message}({$hookDiscount.message}){/if}-->
{if $balanceAmount}
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $pricesetFieldsCount }
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Total Participants{/ts}</td>
<td {$valueStyle}>
{assign var="count" value= 0}
{foreach from=$lineItem item=pcount}
{assign var="lineItemCount" value=0}
{if $pcount neq 'skip'}
{foreach from=$pcount item=p_count}
{assign var="lineItemCount" value=$lineItemCount+$p_count.participant_count}
{if $lineItemCount < 1 }
assign var="lineItemCount" value=1}
{assign var="count" value=$count+$lineItemCount}
{if $is_pay_later}
<td colspan="2" {$labelStyle}>
{if $register_date}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Registration Date{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $receive_date}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Transaction Date{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $financialTypeName}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Financial Type{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $trxn_id}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Transaction #{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $paidBy}
<td {$labelStyle}>
<!--{ts}Paid By{/ts}-->Informations pour le paiement
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $checkNumber}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Check Number{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $billingName}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Billing Name and Address{/ts}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{$billingName}<br />
{if $credit_card_type}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Credit Card Information{/ts}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{$credit_card_type}<br />
{$credit_card_number}<br />
{ts}Expires{/ts}: {$credit_card_exp_date|truncate:7:''|crmDate}
{/if} {* End of conditional section for Paid events *}
{if $customPre}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{foreach from=$customPre item=value key=customName}
{if ( $trackingFields and ! in_array( $customName, $trackingFields ) ) or ! $trackingFields}
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $customPost}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{foreach from=$customPost item=value key=customName}
{if ( $trackingFields and ! in_array( $customName, $trackingFields ) ) or ! $trackingFields}
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $customProfile}
{foreach from=$customProfile item=value key=customName}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts 1=$customName+1}Participant Information - Participant %1{/ts}
{foreach from=$value item=val key=field}
{if $field eq 'additionalCustomPre' or $field eq 'additionalCustomPost'}
<td colspan="2" {$labelStyle}>
{if $field eq 'additionalCustomPre'}
{foreach from=$val item=v key=f}
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $customGroup}
{foreach from=$customGroup item=value key=customName}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{foreach from=$value item=v key=n}
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>