How do I manage a CiviCRM ESR (Extended Security Release) install on a Drupal 8/9 composer installation?

I've subscribed to the CiviCRM ESR service and I'm trying to install an ESR version on my Drupal 9, which manages the CiviCRM code with composer, so I don't want to download the tarball.

1 Answer 1


After you've subscribed to the ESR service, you'll get access to a private group on the civicrm gitlab install, with the instructions here:


There are actually three ways to do it provided, but the recommended method (which now works with Composer 2 in spite of the warning) uses the private composer packages provided by civicrm's gitlab installation, which can be accessed by your composer magic with the use of a gitlab authentication token that you can generate if you have access to that repo.



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