After upgrading to civiCRM 5.4.0, I cannot access latest version of civiDiscount via the civiCRM menu.

I see the option under Administer and Contributions, but when I click civiDiscount, I am returned to the civi Dashboard, instead of seeing the civiCRM interface.

There's no error logged by civiCRM.

I'm also running Joomla 3.8.11

1 Answer 1


Can you try to clean CiviCRM cache and do a menu rebuild? You can do this by navigating to CiviCRM >> Administer >> System Settings >> Cleanup Caches and Update paths. Once you on the page click on Cleanup cache button.

enter image description here



  • Awesome! Thanks for the quick response! That resolved the issue :-)
    – A. Block
    Commented Aug 7, 2018 at 15:09

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