I'm not sure this is the best place for this but really needing some assistance with this.
Using Drupal 8.8.5 and CiviCRM 5.24.3 along with webform 5.9 and the latest version of webform_civicrm.
This is only a problem when not logged in. If an anonymous user makes payment through a webform (linked to a contribution page that uses an omnipay payment processor), when the user is redirected back to the website it lands on the IPN url with a white screen. It should redirect to the confirmation page but at this point the session variables no longer exist. (Including the url needed and anything I store in $_SESSION)
When making a payment directly through the CiviCRM contribution page there is no problem. And interestingly, if the contribution page is merely visited in the browser first, the webform will then also work correctly and will keep working correctly. Clear the cache in the browser and the webform will again have a problem.
I'm really in the dark with this kind of thing, anyone have any ideas?