I am recreating some Drupal Views in SearchKit and it has gone well except for one thing - links. I'm not sure if what I am experiencing is a feature or a bug hence the question.

Our Views allow a user to click on a link that takes them to a Drupal Webform, often to complete or continue a process. The link uses various data items such as Contact IDs and Activity IDs to populate the target form.

If I create what is effectively the same View in SearchKit the link will not be output if any data item or items in the link is/are missing (and it may well be null at that point for good reasons).

To illustrate, lets say I have a link defined like this:


If, say, cid3 has no data for that record, the entire link will not be displayed in either a list or a table for that particular line. A drupal View will just pass the link on with cid3 having no data, which is fine for our purposes: civicrm/my_form?case1=1234&cid2=123456&cid3=&activity1=54321

I have tried experimenting with the 'Show if' but whatever I put there, that line never displays. As an example I set the Show if to display if the case ID was > 1 (it always would be on a View that displays cases) but this had no effect.

Am I missing a setting somewhere?

1 Answer 1


That sounds like an oversight or scenario that hasn't been tested. Create an issue at https://lab.civicrm.org/dev/core/-/issues


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