We have a Wordpress site with CiviCRM. Only a few administrative users are allowed to login. We need to be able to let anonymous users modify their contact information. Below is info I copied from the wiki. Is it possible to do this with a Wordpress installation? Is the information current? How would the link be created in the email? The scenario is that when a user renews their membership using the online form, they get a confirmation email. The email must have the appropriate link to the secure form used to edit the contact info.
Allow Anonymous (not-logged-in) Users to Edit Their Profile A great feature is to "invite" your non-logged in users the ability to view and edit their contact info via a profile using CiviMail. To do this, insert the following link with appropriate tokens as shown into a CiviMail message: http:///civicrm/profile/edit?reset=1&gid=N&id={contact.contact_id}&{contact.checksum} ... where N is the ID of the Profile you want them to use for editing. The contact checksum token generates a special link that gives a user access to edit their information in that profile for 7 days from the day you send them the mailing.