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3 votes
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Adding columns to Accounting batch (iif & csv)

If you have code or an extension that can add columns to the accounting batch export file, please share. Specifically, we want to add "campaign" and "external id" to every row. Preferably, we'd like ...
Yona's user avatar
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2 votes
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Report for Unbatched Contributions

We use Civi accounting batches to export our contributions to an external accounting program. The office manager has asked me to create a report (in Drupal or Civi) that will show all contributions ...
Allen Hutchison's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Fatal error when exporting accounting batch to CSV in 4.7

Using Civi 4.7.2 (and then on 4.7.3; I thought I needed to upgrade to fix) with Drupal, I get the following error when I try to export an accounting batch to CSV: Fatal error: Call to undefined ...
Allen Hutchison's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

I hacked core and know I shouldn't (How do I use hook_civicrm_batchItems?)

I need to adjust the CSV accounting batch export format for our accounting software. The CSV needs to be only four columns: Envelope number (a custom field which corresponds to our accounting ...
Allen Hutchison's user avatar