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Possible to set a contact as the default for a particular email

I'm not even certain how best to ask this question. Here's the situation: Staff people at an org I support often wind up accidentally creating duplicates of themselves during event testing in Civi but ...
kapn's user avatar
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Civimail 'Dedupe by email': Add Activity 'Bulk email' to all contacts (with same e-mail address) not just to 1

An e-mail address is used by 3 contacts. These contacts belongs to a group. Sending a mail by Civimail to the group and tick 'Dedupe by email' works fine: only 1 mail is sent. But only 1 contact (...
Bart Bosman's user avatar
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How to enable multiple bulk email address just for organizations?

The question is about the seeting Enable multiple bulk email address for a contact. in /civicrm/admin/setting/preferences/mailing The problem is that in I have many organizations that have multiple ...
Marko's user avatar
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If I exclude an address from a bulk email is it rational to assume that the mailing won't go to that address?

It seems rational to me to assume that if a mailing is set up where a group (or past mailing) is excluded, then any records that share the same email address as an excluded record, should also be ...
Graham's user avatar
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Can multiple mailings have deduplicated email addresses, so each address will not receive multiple emails?

We'd like to send a mailing in a few slightly different versions to different groups. What we'd like to avoid is having two contacts, who share the same email address and are in different groups, ...
Lars SG's user avatar
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When / how is a contact created when sending out a test newsletter

Recently we stumbled upon duplicate contacts in our system, who had merely an email-address. After some digging it seems that they were created when users utilize Mosaico to design an email and then ...
Fabian's user avatar
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CiviMail not removing duplicate emails

Using Joomla 3.6.2 and CiviCRM 4.7.11 and experiencing duplicate emails in CiviMail. We've tested with contacts with same email address + in same group, resulting in 2 emails received. We've also ...
user3742's user avatar
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Why does A/B testing cause 'dedupe by email' to fail when sending CiviMail to contacts with same email address

Client is asking why 4 emails have been delivered to 4 contacts who all have same address. Test1: tested with 2 contacts and didn't use A/B testing. Outcome: was told would be delivered to ~1 ...
petednz - fuzion's user avatar
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