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2 answers

Is A/B testing possible using Mosaico?

When I go through the Create new A/B test workflow, it presents me with a traditional mailing interface, even though I have Mosaico installed. I'm pretty sure that means A/B testing is not possible ...
Jamie's user avatar
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Is the AB testing in CiviMail broken?

I have a client who is very keen to use the AB testing facility in CiviMail. they are currently running on CiviCRM 4.7.27 and shortly to update. When they set up an AB mailing, they are specifying ...
Graham's user avatar
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Why does A/B testing cause 'dedupe by email' to fail when sending CiviMail to contacts with same email address

Client is asking why 4 emails have been delivered to 4 contacts who all have same address. Test1: tested with 2 contacts and didn't use A/B testing. Outcome: was told would be delivered to ~1 ...
petednz - fuzion's user avatar
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How to send A and B messages at the same time?

When doing an AB test on two groups of 7k contacts, what seem to happen is that first the A group is sent in full, then the B group is processed. It obviously means that the second group is going to ...
Xavier's user avatar
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How to do ab testing on transactional emails?

Some transactional emails have call to action (eg "click here to confirm your subscription") and I'd like to see if I can improve how many actions are taken by ab testing. Is there an easy way to ...
Xavier's user avatar
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A/B Tests not tracking opens or clickthroughs

I'm testing out the A/B testing feature and I'm not getting any useful information. It just reads "Tracked Opens" as "n/a" and reads zero for click throughs and unsubscribes. This is despite me ...
Tomulent's user avatar
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How to clone an AB test?

I'm trying to re-use an existing ab test, but unlike normal mailings, can't find a way to clone them Is there a way that is better than copy paste the content of the email and create a new ab test?
Xavier's user avatar
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1 answer

how to change the size of groups for ab testing?

I've started a test with a sample too small to be statistically significant. I would like to re-run the test but with a bigger one. however, I would want to exclude those that already participated to ...
Xavier's user avatar
  • 10.2k
3 votes
1 answer

How to get a/b testing on the number of unique open?

It seems that the A/B testing is looking at the total number of open. in one case, we were surprised to experience a big difference between two versions, but it turned out that one of the recipient ...
Xavier's user avatar
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