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Supervised dedupe rule finds duplicate when manually run but not automatically

I'm running CiviCRM 5.51.0 (the problem was the same with 5.50.4) on WordPress 6.0 I defined a supervised dedupe rule using personalized fields which is properly working (i.e. finds duplicates on one ...
Christophe Destrieux's user avatar
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Deduper fails with punctations in the name (dot, semicolon, underscore, parenthesis...)

As per this documentation page of the Deduper extension, the Uninformative characters resolver should be able to detect names such as O.Donel / O Donel / O;Donel as duplicates, but after testing, I ...
stackexchange user's user avatar
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deduper not working with hyphen character in the name (uninformative character)

After testing some specific examples about deduping contacts with the deduper extension, I came to the follwing conclusion : diatrics / accent / lower and upper case are very well taken into acount. ...
stackexchange user's user avatar
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Can I dedupe by primary email or primary phone only?

I want to dedupe contacts who have the same primary email address (ditto for contacts with the same primary phone). However, I'm not seeing a way to include primary-ness as a factor in a dedupe rule. ...
Lindsey Challis's user avatar
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Where does the "INSERT INTO civicrm_tmp_e_dedupe_" come from?

Something kills/freezes MySQL once per cron by executing: INSERT INTO civicrm_tmp_e_dedupe_301d41956c9e2bd93bf184f95b40adef (id1, id2, weight) SELECT id1, id2, weight FROM (SELECT t1.contact_id id1, ...
yurg's user avatar
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