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Quickform AddEntityRef Errors 5.58

I suspect what you're seeing is a permissions problem. You mentioned it doesn't work for Front-End users but it does work on the back-end. EntityRef fields work by calling Apiv3 via ajax. For that to ...
Coleman's user avatar
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Change output for address Entity Reference

Disclaimer: There may be newer/simpler ways of doing this now that SearchKit has a "autocomplete" display, but I have not experimented with it yet, and not sure if we can use it to override ...
bgm's user avatar
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How can I trigger a selection for a Select2 EntityRef element via javascript?

According to this related question, it should be possible to do this via: $('#id-of-select2').select2('val', 'value-to-select'); or, if you want to select multiple items in a multiselect: $('#id-of-...
Chris Burgess's user avatar
1 vote

How can I customise site search settings to use a wildcard for a specific entityRef field?

Currently no, it cannot be overridden on a per-field basis. But I could add a core patch to do so if your organization can fund a couple hours work.
Coleman's user avatar
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