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5 votes

Can Twilio 'from' number be a text field with the organisation name?

Yes, it's easy. You have to ask Twilio customer support to enable 'Alphanumeric Sender ID' in your project. Here's the link for that. Once that's done then all you need to do is to set the 'From=' ...
Andy Clark's user avatar
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3 votes

Send QR code via SMS?

As mentioned in my comment to Demerit's answer I successfully achieved my objective to send a QR code to an event participant's phone (albeit the URL and not the image). I installed the Clickatell ...
Davy Ivins's user avatar
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Twilio - how to disable inbound SMS

The install instructions at say In Twilio account settings, go to Numbers and click on ...
Demerit's user avatar
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How to convert a STOP message sent to an SMS provider into the "Do not SMS" privacy preference in CiviCRM?

Used CiviRules to do this. This switches the Do Not SMS flag to ON if they reply STOP: This switches the Do Not SMS flag to OFF if they reply START:
guyiac's user avatar
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How to convert a STOP message sent to an SMS provider into the "Do not SMS" privacy preference in CiviCRM?

It's probably possible to do via an extension, e.g. something similar to Otherwise there is a generic "inbound" function that handles ...
Demerit's user avatar
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SMS Text Messaging Stopped Altogether

This is likely related to the A2P 10DLC requirement effective September 1, 2023. You can check the error log to confirm it is 30034 error in Twilio at Monitor > Logs > Error Logs. If the texts ...
Andy Burns's user avatar
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Mass SMS recipients count

The only logical explanation to the above was that someone had overwritten Phone to Mobile and Mobile to Phone which was why you were seeing perverse results. Checking in log_civicrm_option_value ...
petednz - fuzion's user avatar
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Mass SMS recipients count

Kudos to Demerit and petednz-fuzion for helpful pointers, see below: Demerit: Dummy SMS extension petednz-fuzion: check your log_civicrm_option_value table for option_group_id = 35 to see who changed ...
yurg's user avatar
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Using CiviRules to send SMS via Twilio

You will need to install SMS API extension
Pradeep Nayak's user avatar
1 vote

Outbound Twilio SMS to group - Will send to some, but not all

Are you using an old version of CiviCRM, before 5.49? It looks like this was fixed in 5.49.
Lars SG's user avatar
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How do you answer the Opt-In question when applying for a 10DLC (10 digit long code) for sending SMS messages in the United States?

@gutyn - yes! After a lot of trial and error I have received approval. Here is what finally worked: First, write a privacy policy and publish it on your web site. Then create a CiviCRM profile form ...
Jamie's user avatar
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Twilio Inbound SMS: 404/502 Responses

The problem may have had to do with SSL certificates. Callback was using a HTTPS POST callback URL but no SSL certificate was in place. After switching the callback URL to HTTP POST, we are now ...
todon2's user avatar
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Twilio extension stopped working; neither individual nor mass SMS go through

Matthew Wire nailed it: the most current version of the Twilio extension for CiviCRM doesn't work with PHP 7.0 -- but luckily for us, a huge patch became available through GitHub just one week ago. ...
Prónay's user avatar
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Send QR code via SMS?

It doesn't look like the Twilio extension supports MMS at the moment and probably not Clickatell either but you can text the recipient the link to the QR code. It looks like you would need a public ...
Demerit's user avatar
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Twilio Schema validation warning

So I also get the Schema validation warning but the inbound SMS is received. Interesting to note that it did not associate with the right contact as the phone number is on multiple contact records. ...
Andy Burns's user avatar
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Twilio extension failure w/ DB Error: unknown error

Drop index civicrm_mailing_event_queue (table civicrm_mailing_event_queue) then re-create it. After doing this, run the following check: check table civicrm_mailing_event_queue You should get a ...
Djordje Marjanovic's user avatar
1 vote

WordPress Twilio Inbound SMS Callback URL failing when request method is POST

Your webhook callback URL is off. It should be
Djordje Marjanovic's user avatar

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