General Config: Wordpress 5.8 CiviCRM 5.39.1 Cron running ever 5 min successfully Segregated db from the wp install
Issue: We notice our memberships are not moving from one status to another: New to Current to Grace to Expired. Rules seem to be properly configured.
Entity: Job Action: process_membership Summary Finished execution of Update Membership Statuses with result: Failure, Error message: DB Constraint Violation - membership_type_id should possibly be marked as mandatory for Membership,create API. If so, please raise a bug report. Details
Parameters parsed (and passed to API method): a:1:{s:7:"version";i:3;}
Full message: Finished execution of Update Membership Statuses with result: Failure, Error message: DB Constraint Violation - membership_type_id should possibly be marked as mandatory for Membership,create API. If so, please raise a bug report.
According to the DB the membership_type_id does not allow nulls.
Kinda lost on this one and not finding an online example here or through the googles.