I'm getting the following error when running the "Fetch Bounces" scheduled job:
Parameters parsed (and passed to API method):
Full message:
Finished execution of Fetch Bounces with result: Failure, Error message: A fatal error was triggered: Could not connect to MailStore for [email protected]@imap.gmail.com
Error message:
An error occured while sending or receiving mail. Failed to connect to the server: imap.gmail.com:993.
The mailbox is a G Suite account, IMAP is configured, and I can connect to the mailbox via IMAP from an Outlook email client. The error appears in the job log immediately after running the job (there's no 30 second or longer delay that I would expect if it were timing out trying to connect to the mailbox).
Where can I look (or how can I get) some more detailed information on why this job might be failing so quickly?
As per the recommendation, we're running Wordpress 4.8 and CiviCRM 4.7.19