I've update my CiviCRM from 4.7.24 to 4.7.29 (my CiviCRM system on WordPress), everything seems ok but I have System Status Notice:

Timestamps and Timezones

This MySQL database stores certain fields with data-type "DATETIME". To improve timezone support, you may want to change these from "DATETIME" to "TIMESTAMP".

civicrm_subscription_history.date (New sites default to TIMESTAMP in v4.7.27+) [CRM-21157] (https://issues.civicrm.org/jira/browse/CRM-21157)

Changing should improve data-quality for organizations working in multiple timezones. However, if you do change, then you may need to re-test any customizations or processes that reference these fields. Changing is suggested but not required.

For further discussion, please visit https://github.com/civicrm/org.civicrm.doctorwhen

How can I do to pass this notice?


2 Answers 2


I've found link go to Doctorw Wen in CiviCRM (WordPress version) by go to Administrator Menu and fix the notice "Timestamps and Timezones", Thanks!

Menu go to Doctor When


Applying the patches mentioned in the commits information here will fix your problem for civicrm_subscription_history.date column.

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