I have a lot of Organisations, each having their own Administrator(s) who manage their own memberships, events, contributions, activities, ... (that I predefine for them)
I would like those Administrators to be able to make "Multiple Updates" to those (e.g. payments by checks) ; but I don't want them, for security reasons, to use the standard Search features to do that.
As far as I know (am I wrong ?), there is currently no possibility to predefine and store Searches, except for Contacts, via Smart Groups.
My idea would be : since we have the same search possibilities for members, participants, contributions, activities, ..., as for Contacts, it should not be too costly to develop the ability to extend the Smart Group features (including Multiple Update) to those.
What is the best way to have this ability developped (I am not personally a programmer) ?
Edited May 25 to give an example :
I have defined an Event with an associated Contribution Page.
People register on line (Webform) and pay either on line or by check.
When I receive the checks, I want to record them to manage the Event balance :
- I Search for Contributions, based on the Contribution Page + Pending Status :
- In the contacts List, I then select those who have sent their check and I select Action > Update multiple Contributions :
- Then I select a Contribution Profile which contains Total Amount, Payment mode (check or cash), check #, status :
- I can then record all the checks that I have received
I would use the same process to update memberships custom fields (Search for memberships + Membership Profile, instead of Contribution) or for Event or Activities.
I can make those Searches because I am the general Administrator, but I don't want my organizations Administrators to have this permission : too dangerous and uneasy : this is why I ask for this Search storage (in the form of Groups), that I could predefine for them.